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About Us

Save The Woman is a project aimed to help women in Nigeria learn hard skills in order to better their future. The project works with women that have been imprisoned for petty crimes such as stealing as they do not have the skills to earn money to provide for themselves or their families.


Save the Woman empowers women in the prisons by educating them on business skills and how to make school chalk so that they may sell it on. The project is also now researching how to market the product, designing packaging for the products. Save the Woman aims to make a positive difference to many women's lives through education and empowerment

Aiding female inmates in business and enterprise, whilst also incorporating hard skills, giving hope to the women, ensuring the women find work without resorting to crime upon release. 

Where we work

We work remotely as a Team from Middlesbrough in the United Kingdom, also with an amazing team of volunteers in Nigeria.

Who we work with

The project works with female offenders in the Nigerian prison systems. We aim to expand the project to prison systems across Africa and the United Kingdom as well.

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